Targeted help for many symptoms
Restrictions in foot health can have many causes. One of the most important is wearing shoes that are (too) tight and stiff.
Shoes from the CHUNG SHI product lines aim to do the opposite here. They make feet strong and elastic and always have a positive effect on the entire posture. Thus, in addition to being extremely comfortable to wear, they always offer real function, are stabilising and activating.
This means that CHUNG SHI shoes can be preventative in many ways.
Wearing CUHUNG SHI shoes regularly can specifically help to prevent some of the symptoms listed below from arising in the first place.
Shoes from CHUNG SHI are suitable as support for medical or physiotherapeutic therapies, in addition to facilitating everyday life and preventive use for many joint complaints and muscular deficits.
The following overview is an excerpt from medical teaching documents from

The following symptoms are treated in the area of the foot:
FersenspornFersenschmerz bei KindernHaglund-ExostoseObere Sprunggelenks-ArthroseMittelfuß-ArthroseNerven-Kompressions-SyndromeHallux valgusHallux rigidusHammer- & KrallenzehenSpreizfussHohlfussPlattfussKnick-Senk-SpreizfussDiabetisches Fusssyndrom
Im Bereich von Knie und Hüfte:
(Neuro-)Muskuläre DefiziteKnie- und HüftarthroseKünstlicher Gelenkersatz
Im Bereich des Rumpfes:
Bandscheiben-bedingte RückenschmerzenFacettengelenks-bedingte RückenschmerzenKreuz-Darmbeingelenks-SyndromPLEASE NOTE: The following medical conditions must always be clarified by a doctor before using functional shoes:
The most severe foot deformities: flatfoot, massive (destructive) metatarsal arthrosis, foot spasticity in cerebral palsy • ulcerations in diabetic foot gangrene • pronounced hindfoot instabilities • juvenile and adult clubfoot • forefoot and metatarsal amputations • all foot deformities for which an individual, specific shoe fitting/insole fitting is necessary.

- Inflammatory overload reaction of the large plantar fascia at the base of the calcaneus (palantaraponeurosis)
- Spur-like, bony attachment to the calcaneus on the plantar aspect of the foot
- 10% of the population affected
- Common in overweight, standing occupations, runners, bent and fallen arches
- Buckling-countersunk foot with strong pronation (inward rolling of the foot during touchdown)
- Splayfoot
- Muscle imbalances foot & lower leg
- Running with poor condition of the musculoskeletal system
- High running volumes on hard surfaces
- Standing for long periods on hard surfaces
- Shoes too tight or too hard
- Local pain directly at the origin of the aponeurosis, increased during stress
- Often occurring on both sides
- No correlation between spur size and complaints
- Not every spur causes pain
With optimal bedding and pressure relief due to the enormous softness of the DUFLEX material and low compression (height difference between heel and forefoot)
DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio
With the same advantages as clogs, and in addition can be insoles or customized:
DUX Ortho, DUX Ortho Clog,Duxfree Nassau,Duxfree Savannah Duxfree Trainer

With stiff sole construction that provides a physiological rolling pattern without forcing the metatarsophalangeal joints into hyperextension (reducing traction on the spur) as well as additional insole capability:


- Typical overload problems in growth phases
- Softening of the growth plate (apophysis) of the calcaneus
- Especially for athletic children
- Discrepancy between high mechanical tensile load via the Achilles tendon and the load capacity of the growth plate
- Heel pain (worsening of discomfort when walking or running).
- Limping after load
- If applicable, tenderness, swelling and redness in the heel region.
Optimal bedding and pressure relief due to the enormous softness of the DUFLEX material, very good cushioning as well as low compression (= low height difference between heel and forefoot)
DUX Kids, DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio, DUX Zori, Duxilette

With the same advantages as clogs, additionally insole-capable, respectively individualizable (if necessary temporary heel elevation on both sides).
DUX Ortho, DUX Ortho Clog,
as well as all Duxfree models, especially
Duxfree Kids and Duxfree Trainer


- Bony prominence at the upper pole of the calcaneus (tuber calcanei)
- Shoes too tight
- High tensile stress on the Achilles tendon
- Overload due to long standing at work or/and sports
- Pain on exertion in the area of the Achilles tendon insertion
- Pain onset in the morning, as well as after periods of rest, which diminishes again with movement
- Callus formation
- Bursitis in the tendon insertion area (bursitis)
- Local pressure pain
No irritation of the Achilles tendon attachment area due to lack of heel cap (use heel strap only if absolutely necessary):
DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio, DUX Zori, Duxilette
Or, if a closed shoe is desired. Extremely soft heel cup that does not tract the tendon insertion:
Duxfree Trainer, Duxfree Beach, Duxfree Beach Plus, Duxfree Berlin

AuBioRiG are always subject to a case-by-case decision here. They can be contraindicated because they can additionally build up a lot of concentric tension on the Achilles tendon when primarily using the forefoot sole surface. On the other hand, they can also be helpful in terms of eccentric loading when standing on the rearfoot plantar surface.


- Articular cartilage wear in the upper ankle joint
- Traumatic events e.g. fractures, ligament ruptures, etc.
- Muscular & ligamentous deficits
- Overload
- Incorrect loading due to deviation of the foot from the natural gait pattern
- Rheumatism, diabetes
- Overweight
- Pain in the rolling process when walking in the area of the upper ankle joint
- Start-up pain, but also pain during and after exertion
- Reduced mobility and stiffness respectively
- Swelling and/or pressure pain in the arthrosis area
AuBioRig with stiff shoe construction: Harmonious rolling aid reduces the load in the affected joint.
Individual insole supply possible in consultation with the attending physician.
Note: The patient must be able to compensate muscularly well for the minimal lateral instability in the area of the midfoot of the shoe; if necessary, insole supply!
Please note: Initially reduced wearing time recommendation, which should then be slowly increased according to the patient's tolerance and constitution..

Alternative with very good cushioning as well as a low drop (= low height difference between heel and forefoot):
DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio, DUX Zori, Duxilette
or, with the same advantages as clogs, additionally insole-capable, respectively individualizable (if necessary temporary heel elevation on both sides).
DUX Ortho, DUX Ortho Clog,
as well as all Duxfree models, esp.
Duxfree Savannah, Duxfree Nassau, Duxfree Trainer


- Articular cartilage wear in the midfoot between the three cuneiform bones, the cuboid bone and the metatarsal bases
- Muscular and ligamentous weakness (insufficiency)
- Overload
- Pronounced flat splayfoot
- Incorrect loading due to deviation of the foot from the natural gait pattern
- Traumatic events e.g. metatarsal fracture, dislocation, etc.
- Pain in the rolling process when walking in the area of the midfoot
- Pain during forefoot loading
- Start-up pain, but also pain after strains
- Reduced mobility or stiffness of the foot
- Swelling and/or pressure pain in the arthrosis area on the back of the foot
AuBioRig with stiff shoe construction: Harmonious rolling aid reduces the load in the affected joint.
Individual insole supply possible in consultation with the attending physician.

Note: The patient must be able to compensate the minimal lateral instability in the area of the midfoot of the shoe muscularly well; if necessary, insole supply!
Please note: Initially reduced wearing time recommendation, which should then be slowly increased according to the patient's tolerance and constitution..


- Peripheral nerve disease of the foot
- Swelling of the nerves running between the toes (interdigital nerves) in the area of the metatarsophalangeal joints.
- Most often between 3rd and 4th toe
- Mechanical compression mechanism
- Epidemiology:
- Common in splayfoot & hallux valgus.
- Footwear that is too tight (forefoot box)
- Rolling pain after prolonged walking
- Pain with compression of the forefoot
- Radiation from the midfoot into the toes
- Numbness of the toes
Forefoot box with enough space for the foot, flexibility and softness of DUFLEX upper creates additional space width for the toes, reducing compression of the foot:
DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio, DUX Premium

or, with the same advantages as clogs, additionally insole-capable, respectively individualizable:
DUX Future, DUX Ortho, DUX Ortho Clog,
as well as all Duxfree models.
Please note for Duxfree trainers: no recommendation in case of existing excessive pronation ("bending" of the ankle inwards) and X-leg axes of the patient. In case of doubt, gait analysis advised.


- Deviation of the big toe to the outside (lateral)
- Clearly inward protruding metatarsophalangeal joint of big toe
- Pronation ("bending" of the ankle to the inside)
- Possibly crossing of the big toe over/under the 2nd toe
- Secondary: hammer or claw toes II-V and digitus quintus varus
- Wearing shoes that are too tight and/or high heels
- Too weak small foot muscles
- Axle misalignment due to muscular imbalances
- Malalignment of the 1st ray between tarsus and metatarsus (kuneiform-metatarsal joint)
- Rheumatic diseases
- The enlarged bunion presses painfully against the shoe.
- Skin and underlying bursa permanently irritated
- Inflammation and swelling
- Altered movements of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the toe with subsequent wear and tear (arthrosis)
- Painful pressure of the crooked big toe on the second toe
The softness of the DUFLEX sole material provides improved pressure distribution and flexibility, the softness of the DUFLEX upper material creates further space width for the toes and thus reduces punctual pressure loads especially at the inner edge of the foot. Low camber (height difference heel/forefoot) relieves pressure by allowing the foot to sink into the sole:
DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio, DUX Premium

or, with the same advantages as clogs, additionally insole-capable, respectively individualizable:
DUX Ortho, DUX Ortho Clog and DUX Future
As well as all Duxfree models, esp.
Duxfree Savannah, Duxfree Nassau und Duxfree Berlin
Please note for Duxfree trainers: not recommended for existing excessive pronation ("bending" of the ankle inward) and for patients with x-leg axes. In case of doubt, gait analysis advised.


- Painful restriction of movement of the big toe
- Osteoarthritis in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe due to microtrauma or overloading (often also due to sports e.g. soccer, ballet, etc.)
- Gout, early stage: slight discomfort with dorsal extension, radiologically no signs of arthrosis
- Gout, middle stage: limited dorsal extension, radiological signs of arthrosis with (palpable) dorsal osteophytes
- Gout, late stage: severe restriction of movement to stiffness, radiologically small to eliminated joint space, clear sign of athrosis with osteophytes
- Pain during rolling movement
- Toe stand/walk
AuBioRig with stiff shoe construction provides a physiological rolling pattern without forcing the metatarsophalangeal joints into hyperextension, putting stress on arthritically altered structures.

Additional individual insole supply possible in consultation with the attending physician.


- Claw toe: Hyperextension in the metatarsophalangeal joint, remaining toe joints flexed.
- Hammer toe: max. flexion in the outermost toe joints
- Primary acquired high arch, splayfoot
- Other rheumatic diseases
- Too narrow "slide" footwear
- Pressure complaints due to clavi (= local cornification disorders of the skin)
- Pain in the toe joint near the foot
- Metatarsalgias (pain under the metatarsal heads)
The flexibility of the DUFLEX upper material creates sufficient space for the toes and reduces punctual pressure loads there. The softness of the DUFLEX sole material provides a soft bedding and thus pressure relief at the metatarsal heads (use of the heel strap strongly recommended for a firm fit).
DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio
Note: DUX Zori & Duxilette are contraindicated as shoe fixation is insufficient there. Fixation is often active via "toe-clawing" which can further exacerbate the clinical picture.

or, with the same advantages as clogs, but here tighter fit ensured by lacing:
all Duxfree models, esp.
Duxfree Naussau, Duxfree Savannah und Duxfree Berlin
Please note for Duxfree trainers: not recommended for existing excessive pronation ("bending" of the ankle inward) and for patients with x-leg axes. In case of doubt, gait analysis advised.


- Transverse arch of the forefoot flattened
- Ball of foot widened
- Metatarsalgia (pain under the metatarsal heads)
- Most common foot deformity
- More women than men affected
- Familial disposition (genetically determined)
- Muscular & ligamentous weakness (insufficiency)
- Deeper treading of the metatarsal heads
- Increased ligamentous pull and pressure on metatarsophalangeal joints
- Favors hallux valgus, hammertoes
- Pain during weight bearing in standing position and impression
- Hallux valgus or digitus quintus varus (overlapping of the little toe over the fourth toe)
- Hammer and claw toes
- Excessive callosity from the 2nd to 5th metatarsophalangeal joint on the plantar aspect of the foot
The softness of the DUFLEX sole material ensures improved pressure distribution and pressure relief at the neuralgic points.
The flexibility of the DUFLEX upper material creates sufficient space width for the toes and thus reduces selective pressure loads on the inner & outer edge of the foot.
The flexibility of the entire shoe promotes foot mobility and stimulates the foot muscles:
DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio, DUX Premium
or, with the same benefits as clogs, plus insole-capable. . DUX Ortho, DUX Ortho Clog and DUX Future
and all Duxfree models.
Please note for Duxfree trainers: not recommended in case of existing excessive pronation ("bending" of the ankle inward) and X-leg axis of the patient. In case of doubt, gait analysis advised.

AuBioRig models ensure a reduction of the load on the metatarsal heads during foot strike.
Individual insole supply additionally possible in consultation with the attending physician.
Please note: Initially reduced wearing time recommended, which should then be slowly increased according to tolerance and constitution.


- Excessive longitudinal curvature
- Heel bone often tilting outward (hindfoot varus)
- Familial clustering (= genetically determined)
- Muscle imbalances of foot lifters & peroneal muscles (neuromuscular causes also possible).
- Contracture toe extensor
- Pain with load in stance and impression
- Hallux valgus or digitus quintus varus (overlapping of the little toe over the fourth toe)
- Hammer and claw toes
- Excessive callosity from 2nd to 5th metatarsophalangeal joint on plantar aspect of foot
The softness of the DUFLEX sole material provides improved pressure distribution. Use of the heel strap for a firm fit is useful for existing claw toes.
The flexibility of the DUFLEX upper creates sufficient space for the toes and reduces point pressure, the softness of the DUFLEX sole material provides good cushioning for the rigid foot, and the flexibility of the entire shoe promotes foot mobility.
In addition to these benefits, the DUX Premium also features a lightweight longitudinal arch support that results in improved pressure distribution.
(Note: DUX Zori & Duxilette may be contraindicated for claw toes! Possibly the shoe fixation is not sufficient. The fixation is then often actively via the "toe claw", which can further intensify the clinical picture.).
DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio, DUX Premium

or, with the same advantages as clogs, but additionally insole-capable
DUX Ortho, DUX Ortho Clog and DUX Future
and all Duxfree models,
which ensure a firm fit thanks to a heel cap and adjustable lacing.
In particular, Duflerino, Duxfree Berlin, Duxfree Nassau, Duxfree Savannah and Duxfree Vancouver
Please note for Duxfree trainers: not recommended for existing excessive pronation ("bending" of the ankle inward) and for patients with x-leg axes. In case of doubt, gait analysis advised.


- Forefoot abduction (lowering)
- Inward buckling of the calcaneus (hindfoot valgus)
- Longitudinal curvature that cannot be returned to its original position (reducible) (extreme: "ink eraser foot")
- Genetic or acquired
- Insufficiency of the musculus tibialis posterior with concomitant insufficiency of the internal (medial) capsular ligament structures
- Posttraumatic
- Lack of movement, obesity, paresis (incomplete paralysis).
- Pain at the main pressure points
- Disturbances of the gait pattern
The softness of the DUFLEX sole material provides improved pressure distribution and good cushioning. The flexibility of the shoe promotes mobility of the foot. The use of the heel strap for a tight fit is recommended. Thus, all Duflex models are suitable.
These shoes are optionally insole compatible:
DUX Ortho, DUX Ortho Clog and DUX Future
As well as all Duxfree models.
Please note for Duxfree trainers: not recommended in case of existing excessive pronation ("bending" of the ankle inward) and X-leg axes of the patient. In case of doubt, gait analysis advised.

AuBioRig models activate the foot-influencing lower leg muscles to straighten the longitudinal arch and improve the rolling pattern in the case of significant gait disturbances. Individual insole supply possible in consultation with the attending physician.
Please note: Initially reduced wearing time recommended, which should then be slowly increased according to tolerance and constitution.


- Hindfoot valgus > 20°
- Longitudinal vault flattened
- Forefoot in abduction position
- "Patient stands aside from the shoes"
- Muscular & ligamentous weakness (insufficiency)
- Insufficiency tibialis-posterior vision (trauma)
- Poliomyelitis
- Paresis
- Pain with load in stance and impression
- Forefoot Compression Pain
- Hallux valgus or digitus quintus varus (overlapping of the little toe over the fourth toe)
- Hammer and claw toes
- Excessive callosity from 2nd to 5th metatarsophalangeal joint on plantar aspect of foot
The softness of the DUFLEX sole material provides improved pressure distribution and pressure relief at the neuralgic points. The flexibility of the DUFLEX upper creates sufficient width of space for the toes, reducing point pressure on the inner and outer edges of the foot, and the flexibility of the entire shoe promotes foot mobility and stimulates the foot muscles.
DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio, DUX Premium
These shoes are also optionally insole compatible:
DUX Ortho, DUX Ortho Clog and DUX Future

Alternatively all Duxfree models.
Note: Duxfree trainers are contraindicated because they may further exacerbate the clinical picture.
AuBioRig models activate the foot-influencing lower leg muscles to straighten the longitudinal arch and hindfoot.
Individual insole supply possible in consultation with the attending physician.
Please note: Initially reduced wearing time recommended, which should then be slowly increased according to tolerability and constitution..


- Severe long-term complication in patients with diabetes
- Diabetics with little/no foot care
- Around 70 percent of amputations in Germany involve patients with diabetes
- Diabetes type I and especially type II
- Sensory disturbances in the foot typical for the disease prevent the perception of (minor) injuries
- Unfavorable footwear
- Nerve damage (numbness, etc.)
- Circulatory disorders
- Wounds (superficial / to capsule / to bone)
- Even the smallest injuries heal poorly
- Infections
- Tissue death
ATTENTION: Diabetic shoe supply without medical consultation only with clinically inconspicuous foot without visible changes!
The softness of the DUFLEX sole material ensures low friction, improved pressure distribution and reduces pressure peaks.
The flexibility and softness of the DUFLEX upper creates sufficient space width for the toes and thus reduces selective pressure loads. The flexibility of the entire shoe promotes foot mobility and stimulates foot muscles.
DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio, DUX Premium
These shoes are also optionally insole compatible and can be customized if necessary:
DUX Ortho, DUX Ortho Clog and DUX Future

Alternatively all Duxfree models.
Please note for Duxfree trainers: No recommendation in case of existing excessive pronation ("bending" of the ankle inwards) and X-leg axes of the patient. In case of doubt gait analysis advised..
AuBioRig models: The sole design activates the muscle pump, ensures good circulation and thus counteracts circulatory disorders.
It is recommended to use this shoe model with individual orthopedic insoles!..
Please note: Initially reduced wearing time recommended, which should then be slowly increased according to tolerance and constitution.

Please also note in diabetic foot syndrome:
Open footwear has great advantages for ventilation and sweat reduction of the foot, but carries the risk that foreign bodies (e.g., pebbles, etc.) can get into the shoe more easily. Due to the limited sensitivity, the foot can be injured as a result. It is important to regularly check the contents of the shoe, especially when used outdoors.
The following clinical pictures must be clarified by a doctor before using AUBIORIG functional shoes:
Hip dysplasia (malposition of the acetabulum) •• Hip necrosis (death of femoral head areas, e.g. Morbus perthes) •• Coxa vara/valga/antetorta/retrotorta (malpositions at the femoral neck).

- Limited performance of the entire joint- and thus leg axis-stabilizing musculature
- Muscular imbalances (dysbalances) due to the limited performance of individual muscles stabilizing the joint and thus the leg axis
- Limited ability to adequately control the joint-stabilizing muscles (neuromuscular deficit)
- Too little exercise and/or targeted therapy
- Degenerative and neurological diseases
- Traumatic injuries
- Punctual to global malpositions of the musculoskeletal system
- Overload phenomena in individual joints or parts of joints
AuBioRig models activate the muscles influencing the foot and leg axes to stabilize the foot and the ascending leg axes in everyday life.
Can be used as a training device to improve hip and knee stabilizers (e.g. single leg stance and lateral abduction = abduction of the playing leg).
Individual insole supply possible in consultation with the attending physician.

Please note: For people with strong bent foot, strong supination when walking and X-legs must be checked whether you are able to stabilize the shoe muscularly in everyday life. Otherwise, only recommended as a training device or at least with limited wearing time recommendation!


- Negative change and wear of the hyaline articular cartilage layer
- Most common classification in 4 stages according to Outerbridge: Stage I (slightly superficially affected cartilage) to IV (cartilage completely worn, exposed bone underneath clearly visible)
- Natural wear and tear with age
- Degenerative diseases
- Traumatic injuries
- Insufficiency of the active and passive musculoskeletal system
- Congenital leg axis malpositions (e.g. knock knees, bow legs)
- Overweight
- Overloads due to excessive athletic exertion
- Start-up and load-dependent pain
- Joint inflammation and resulting joint swelling
- Friction noise of the joint surfaces
- Joint deformation / malposition
Reduction of joint stress through effective shock absorption and individually adapting footbed:
DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio, DUX Premium
Alternatively all Duxfree models: Additionally insole-capable, whereby the ascending functional chains can be influenced individually.
Please note: The Duxfree Trainer is only worth considering for people with neutral leg axes or bow legs. For people with strong X-legs, this shoe is contraindicated without custom insoles!

AuBioRig models activate and stabilize the muscles affecting the foot and leg axes.extension of the range of motion in the knee and hip, thereby utilizing a larger joint cartilage area and reducing the punctual load on the wear area.
Can be used as a training device to improve hip and knee stabilizers (single-leg stance and lateral bracing = abduction of the playing leg).
Individual insole supply possible in consultation with the attending physician.
Please note: For persons with strong supination and X-legs, it must be checked whether the patient is able to stabilize the shoe muscularly.
Note: Initially reduced wearing time recommendation, which should then be slowly increased depending on tolerability..


- Complete artificial replacement (endoprostheses) of all components articulating with each other in the joint by artificial implants that remain permanently in the body
- Also possible: replacement of individual joint components (primarily sliding surfaces) with implants, e.g. sled prosthesis at the knee or femoral head replacement (very rare)
- Overloads
- Malpositions
- Worn joint surfaces
- Chronic pain
- Limited joint mobility
- Significantly reduced quality of life and suitability for everyday life
Reduction of joint stress through effective shock absorption and individually adapting footbed:
DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio, DUX Premium
Alternatively, all Duxfree models: additionally insole-capable, whereby the ascending functional chains can be individually influenced.
Note: The Duxfree Trainer is only worth considering for people with neutral leg axes or bow legs. For people with strong X-legs, this shoe is contraindicated without custom insoles!

AuBioRig models: Recommended therapy device under therapeutic control,
Activation of the muscles affecting the foot and leg axes for stabilization of the foot and leg axes,
easy promotion of the range of motion in knee and hip.
Individual insole supply possible in consultation with the attending physician.
Please note:The following clinical pictures require medical clarification especially before using AUBIORIG functional shoes:
Hip dysplasia, hip necrosis (eg perthes disease), coxa vara, valga, antetorta, retrotorta..

The following clinical pictures must be clarified by a doctor before using AUBIORIG functional shoes:
Acute low back pain with pain radiating into the leg •• Acute intervertebral disc problems •• Acute spinal arthrosis, inflammation of the small vertebral joints (spondyarthrosis) •• Early phase after spinal surgery (intervertebral discs, vertebral body fractures, vertebral body stiffening).

Structural damage to an intervertebral disc can occur in all spinal segments. However, preferred localizations are in the segments 4th and 5th cervical vertebrae, 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, and between the 5th lumbar vertebrae and sacrum. Disc lesions in the thoracic spine, on the other hand, are rather rare.
These lesions may be the result of natural degeneration in the course of aging, but also of a permanent overload situation. The defective disc is no longer able to perform its natural function (spinal mobility and shock absorption). The lumbar intervertebral discs are most frequently affected overall.
- Natural, age-related wear and tear of the intervertebral discs in the course of aging
- Overloads due to one-sided & non-functional loads
- Insufficiency of the active and passive musculoskeletal system
- Overweight
- Traumatic injuries
- Depending on the extent, pain at rest and during movement
- Sometimes pain subsides with movement
- Gentle posture, pain avoidance behavior
- Sensitivity disorders in legs or arms up to numbness
Reduction of joint stress through effective shock absorption and individually adapting footbed:
DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio, DUX Premium
Alternatively, all Duxfree models: additionally insole-capable, whereby the ascending functional chains can be individually influenced.
Note: The Duxfree Trainer is only worth considering for people with neutral leg axes or bow legs. For people with strong X-legs, this shoe is contraindicated without custom insoles!

AuBioRig models: Recommended therapy device for improving spinal stabilizers under therapeutic control,
Straightening of the spine posture in everyday life, soft, cushioned foot contact due to the special sole design.
Individual insole supply possible in consultation with the attending physician.
Please note: For people with strong supination and X-legs must be checked whether the patient is able to stabilize the shoe muscularly.
Note: Initially reduced wearing time recommendation when used in everyday life. This should be increased slowly depending on the tolerance.
CAUTION: AuBioRiG is contraindicated in the acute phase of a herniated disc or early postoperative phases (immediately after spinal surgery)!!!


Structural alteration of the articular surfaces of the small vertebral joints (= facets)
- Muscular imbalances & postural weaknesses
- Height reduction of the intervertebral discs
- Natural wear and tear with age
- Overloads due to one-sided & non-functional loads
- Feeling of stiffness in the morning, "start-up pain" after periods of rest, especially after sitting for a long time
- Depending on the extent, pain at rest as well as during movement
- Often pain decreases with movement
- Localized pressure pain over the facet joints
- Tilt back of the upper body provokes pain
- pain avoidance behavior, gentle posture
Reduction of joint stress through effective shock absorption and individually adapting footbed:
DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio, DUX Premium
Alternatively, all Duxfree models: additionally insole-capable, whereby the ascending functional chains can be individually influenced.
Note: The Duxfree Trainer is only worth considering for people with neutral leg axes or bow legs. For people with strong X-legs, this shoe is contraindicated without custom insoles!

AuBioRig models: Recommended therapy device for improving spinal stabilizers under therapeutic control,
Straightening of the spine posture in everyday life, soft, cushioned foot contact due to the special sole design.
Individual insole supply possible in consultation with the attending physician.
Please note: For people with strong supination and X-legs must be checked whether the patient is able to stabilize the shoe muscularly.
Note: Initially reduced wearing time recommendation when used in everyday life. This should be increased slowly depending on the tolerance.
CAUTION: AuBioRiG is contraindicated in the acute phase of a herniated disc or early postoperative phases (immediately after spinal surgery)!!!


- Acute: restricted mobility (blockage) of the ISG (sacroiliac joint, which connects the lower spine to the pelvis with taut ligaments).
- Chronic: ossification of the ISG
- Malpositions, one-sidedness of the lower extremities (feet, ankles, knees, hips)
- Overloads due to one-sided & non-functional loads
- Insufficiency (especially dysbalances) of the active and passive musculoskeletal system
- Wear and tear on the entire spine
- Inflammatory diseases (e.g. ankylosing spondylitis)
- Dull pain radiating over the buttocks, sometimes also radiating into the groin.
- Pain in the ISG during external rotation and flexion of the hip joint (e.g. when getting out of the car)
- In case of ISG instability audible cracking during some movements
- ISG moves little to not at all during knee lift
- Gentle posture, pain avoidance behavior
Reduction of joint stress due to effective shock absorption and individually adapting footbed:
DUX Clog, DUX Sensi, DUX Bio, DUX Premium
Alternatively all Duxfree models: Additionally insole-capable, whereby the ascending functional chains can be influenced individually.
Note: The Duxfree Trainer is only worth considering for people with neutral leg axes or bow legs. For people with strong X-legs, this shoe is contraindicated without custom insoles!

AuBioRig models: Recommended therapy device for improving spinal stabilizers under therapeutic control,
Straightening of the spine posture in everyday life, soft, cushioned foot contact due to the special sole design.
Individual insole supply possible in consultation with the attending physician.
Please note: For people with strong supination and X-legs must be checked whether the patient is able to stabilize the shoe muscularly.
Note: Initially reduced wearing time recommendation when used in everyday life. This should be increased slowly depending on the tolerance.
CAUTION: AuBioRiG is contraindicated in the acute phase of a herniated disc or early postoperative phases (immediately after spinal surgery)!!!