Dux Kids
..because childrens feet still have a lot to do!

The Dux Kids Clog, which is free of harmful substances and suitable for the back, enables the natural and healthy development of children's feet. The flexible material offers unique pressure relief, reduces fatigue and adapts to the individual shape of the child's foot through body heat and weight. For healthy feet in adulthood, it is important to wear the right footwear already in childhood to allow for natural development and to functionally support active compensation of imbalances when body proportions change. The high wearing comfort in combination with the material properties makes the shoe a stable companion for all situations in life, meeting many demands of small children's feet as well as parents' wishes. A good fit, light and flexible material as well as shock absorption in combination with the absence of harmful substances allow for a motorically good and healthy development of the child's foot.
- Lightweight
- Pollutant-free
- Back-friendly
- Non-slip
- Anti-bacterial
- Promotes flexibility and sensorimotor function
- Size note: Folds regular
- Sizes: 20/21-34/35