The company
ME & Friends AG, based in Holzkirchen in Upper Bavaria, Germany, is the quality leader in the field of functional health shoes with its CHUNG SHI brand. The company was founded in 2001 by Michael Ertl and has since been jointly managed by him and his wife, Alexia Ertl.
The brand and all CHUNG SHI products are characterised by genuine function, social responsibility and reliable, sustainable quality.
In addition to the demand for the highest quality, it is a matter of the company's heart to help with foot problems and thereby give back joie de vivre and self-confidence.

"time to balance"
The upright gait is what distinguishes humans from all other creatures. However, the power hidden in the upright walk is often blocked by pain and other impairments.
CHUNG SHI makes it possible to dissolve these blockages and thus strengthen one's own well-being through simple and holistic methods and products.
"From the sole to the soul"
For our customers, we develop, produce, import, market and ship unique products that enhance well-being.
It is irrelevant whether these products are used preventively, amulantly or regeneratively. The focus is always on the fact that our product solves a concrete problem and thereby triggers a feeling of increased self-confidence in the user.

"You only work well with your heart!"
Two things make our hearts beat faster:
When we help people regain a zest for life through the genuine function of our products.
And when our entrepreneurial actions enable our employees, our specialised trade partners, our suppliers and our shareholders to grow and learn together in a constantly changing world.
The idea for the CHUNG SHI brand was born on a plane on the way from Munich to Hong Kong while looking at a world map. Michael Ertl, who was still managing director for another medium-sized sports company at the time, pondered why there was no Asian brand with an authentic Asian brand philosophy so far.
Due to his knowledge in the field of biomechanics and the growing interest in gentle forms of movement, the idea of founding an Asian brand with an Asian philosophy was born.

The products for the brand were only developed in a second step. The result is a unique collection of health shoes that help preventively, ambulatory or regeneratively and thus holistically improve the physiological balance.
The brand name CHUNG SHI is Cantonese and means "to develop" and this is exactly the mission of CHUNG SHI! The development or restoration of the physiological balance starting with the feet. Because health starts with the feet!

East meets West
In Asian usage, there are often stories about word names to explain their meaning more precisely. This results, among other things, from the three millennia old Chinese writing culture.
Besides the meaning of CHUNG SHI, there is also a story about it. It is about a master and his student and a process of learning and development.
The master gives his disciple the task of catching the water running on it with a metal plate. The disciple tries to catch the water by tilting the metal plate at different angles, but it keeps running off.
The student thinks that the task cannot be solved. The master then gives him a hammer to work on the plate. Now the student uses the hammer to form the metal plate into a bowl that can now catch the water.
This story is very meaningful and can be applied to many everyday things in life.
For example, a person's mind must first be "formed" through school, training and further education before one is ready to absorb further knowledge, in order to be able to give this back to society.
Growing and learning together in a constantly changing world is a guiding principle of CHUNG SHI's brand philosophy.