Complaints and pain in the foot and the resulting problems for the musculoskeletal system are commonplace in our industrial society. Due to the increasing occurrence and duration of symptoms, foot complaints have already become a widespread disease.
"When your feet hurt, your whole body hurts too!"
People who have foot pain sometimes desperately seek therapy. Unfortunately, all too often the only way to help is to alleviate the symptoms instead of getting to the root of the problem.
Only strong, elastic feet are healthy feet. However, instead of strengthening them, many doctors prescribe inflexible insoles and recommend wearing stiff soles. Certainly, there are medical conditions for which this recommendation makes sense. But in many cases, the opposite would be better.
Strengthen the function of the feet
During the development of the CHUNG SHI product lines, the focus was placed precisely on strengthening and activating the feet. And beyond that, a number of indirect effects play a role.

The main factors are:
- A functional, springy arch of the foot
- The straightening and stabilization of the trunk through activation of the gluteus maximus.
- The stabilization of the head by sensitization of balance and reflexes and by functional support of the nuchal ligament.

This is achieved through four building blocks:
- Alignment of the calcaneus, arch, trunk and neck.
- Stabilize the small muscles around the joints (ankle, vertebrae, hip, neck).
- Activate tendons, ligaments, muscles.
- Memory Effect
The memory effect means that even in other shoes, the better posture and foot positioning learned is retained by the myoline memory.
CHUNG SHI shoes technology and function
The foot is a three-dimensional structure and therefore also requires a correspondingly adapted shoe construction.
The functional shoe concepts of CHUNG SHI allow a differentiated range of applications: preventive, therapeutic or ambulatory.

- Duflex products have a proprioceptive effect
(Proprioception = coordinative self-awareness)
- Duflex shoes improve the sense of balance
and thus gait security for pain-free and improved mobility.
- Due to the softness of the Duflex material, the rear foot sinks into the material
This straightens the heel bone.
- The zero-blow design and height of the sole also help the hindfoot sink into the Duflex material.
(Zero blast = no difference in level between rearfoot and forefoot).
This creates dorsiflexion of the foot (flexion in the direction of the dorsum of the foot). This causes the trunk and neck to straighten and the Achilles tendon to stretch.
- The resilience of the Duflex material
The combination of damping and resilience has the following effects:
- A balance training in the sense of a proprioceptive training
causes an improvement in gait safety and thus fall prevention.
- The performance impulse is controlled,
which stabilizes the small muscles around joints and tendons.
- Balance improvement and stabilization of the small muscles
increase the feeling of well-being and remain due to the memory effect even after 3 months of wearing our shoe (3x per week for 2 hours each time).